Tuesday, August 14, 2007

draw magazine issue number 2

Sujet sur l'art postal. Artistes du mois : Zeroten, Kim Kielhofner, Nicolas Beaupré
there's an interview with me, Rejean Cote (about mail art and the publication La Circulaire 132), features Zeroten (see links) and Nicolas Beaupre and drawings by Sebatien Delaunoy and Antonin Beaupre
Il est disponible chez : / It is available:
-Olivieri, librairie du Musée d’arts contemporains de Montréal.
-Atom Heart, coin Sherbrooke et St-Catherine.
-Studio9, sur St-Hubert coin Rosemont.
-Photomax, sur Mont-Royal.

and you can buy it on-line here


i remember said...

that's great!!!

Anonymous said...

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